Blue Window

A New York City dinner party of disparate couples and singles gather in Blue Window for a poignant comedy of desires and misconnections as they struggle to face challenges independently and interdependently making us wonder: What do they have in common? This hilarious and human play illustrates the ways we mysteriously connect or disconnect to each other inside the uncertainty of our lives and the events that shape them.


Libby - Christine Grzebien

Griever - Phike Boland

Alice - Mindy German

Boo - Susan Loynd

Tom - Greg Surine

Emily - Danielle Peveril

Norbert - Brendan Peveril


Production Team:

Director: Monica Callan

Producers: Gail Deuso and Ramona Godfrey

Set Design: Rick Loya

Costumes: Carol Olsen and Tracey Morin

Videographer: Martin Castenada